Mount Herbert Hotel Blog

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dublin's White Winter

Image Copyright David Soanes

What with all the snow in Dublin this winter, this great image from our Flickr Group was an obvious choice for us to feature on our blog!

Photographer David Soanes says:

"This picture was taken during December 2010 when there was more snow than I have ever seen before in my lifetime. I made sure to take as many photos of the snow as possible as it is not something that I have had the chance to document too often in the past. It was taken in Tallaght Village in Dublin and I was just trying to capture some pictures that showed off our White Christmas in all its glory. It was taken on a Canon 5d camera with a Canon 17-35mm L lens.

Lately I do a lot of street photography and architecture photography in Dublin. My first photography exhibition "Exploring Dublin" was held in the County Library, Tallaght in October 2010 and the photos can be seen here.

In Summer 2011 I hope to have another exhibition of my work - possibly an exhibition of photos I have taken of architecturally interesting and historic buildings in Dublin."

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