Mount Herbert Hotel Blog

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

European Travels

Hello everyone,

Since my time here in Dublin is concluding at the end of July, I decided that I would try and fit in a few trips to other nearby European countries while I had the chance. During the past two weekends I visited Scotland and England with a few friends of mine. Seeing as I am interning here at The Mount Herbert Hotel during the week, the only free time I have to travel is on the weekends. Although I only had about two days each in Edinburgh, Scotland and London, England, we managed to successfully cram in most of the popular tourist sites.

Edinburgh, Scotland is a picturesque city filled with gorgeous Georgian buildings and lovely colourful gardens. The highlight of my trip was the three hour long free walking tour of the city, which allowed us to see all the major monuments and buildings in addition to great views of Edinburgh Castle. As an old Harry Potter fan, I was also quite intrigued to see the café where J.K. Rowling wrote her first two Harry Potter books. I even got to try a few local food favourites--fried mars bars and fried pizza! Overall, Edinburgh is quite easy to travel around and filled with interesting history.

In London, England our weekend was packed with activity. As a much larger city, travelling around London took some getting used to. After figuring out how to read and comprehend the huge map of London, we found their TUBE / bus system to be quite efficient and fast. In just two days, we managed to go to the Absolut Ice Bar, Portobello Market, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, the British Museum, and the Tower of London. In addition we also saw the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, the House of Parliament, Big Ben, and even took a ride on the ferris wheel called the London Eye. London is a huge city overflowing with activity, culture, and plenty of tourist attractions.

Above, you will see some pictures from my weekends abroad. Both cities were amazing to see and I’m truly glad I was able to visit them. Sadly, however, my time abroad is running out. With only one full weekend left before I leave to go home, I look forward to spending it here in Dublin!


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