Mount Herbert Hotel Blog

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Dublin Image from our Flickr Group

Image Copyright Patrick Losty

We have selected the fabulous image above to feature on our blog from our Dublin Images Flickr Group, taken by Patrick Losty. This picture is a great juxtaposition of old and new, with our neighbour Aviva Stadium in the background. Read Patrick's background info on his interest in photography and how this picture came about:

"I have been taking pictures of my home city Dublin since the mid 1980's and from the late 1980's I focused on Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann operated buses branching out into civil aviation in the early 1990's, started off and encouraged along the way by fellow transport photographer and author Jonathan McDonnell.

My photography interest is still as strong as ever and in fact the availability of digital cameras from 2004 onwards opened up many more items of interest where previously film cameras were restricted to 36 prints which meant many items in day to day life went unrecorded, digital cameras allow almost 100% coverage.
I have supplied the text and images for the yearly series currently up on Barry Millar/Tony Murrays excellent website, which covers every year from 1987 up to and including 2009. These mostly transport related photofeatures cover the main events that occurred during the specific year and some years feature non transport/non Irish items. If you click on year 1989, pictures 9 & 10 (April 1989) show the Johnson, Mooney & O'Brien Bakery Buildings, Ballsbridge and the Sweepstakes Building, Ballsbridge which were located not too far from Mount Herbert Hotel. Click on 2009, the new Samuel Beckett Bridge, the opening of IKEA Dublin, Guinness 250 were featured, click on 2007, the closure of Jurys Ballsbridge was featured. So there is something in the yearly series for everybody to enjoy.

I also provide Tony's website with photofeatures such as the Bombardier buses which were withdrawn from service in 2001, there are many other bus types featured too. On Saturday, 30/10/10, the famous and much loved Dublin Bus route 10 was withdrawn so I covered that most historic event, an image appears on my site under 'Shamrock 105'.

So the picture of the 'Railway Preservation Society of Ireland' (RPSI) steam train is one such item that will be on a shortlist for inclusion in Wheeling In The Years 2010. I generally watch the advertisements in 'The Irish Times' advising of such RPSI trips and then decide the best location for pictures taking account of sun direction and in this case Sandymount Railway station platform was chosen for this 22 August 2010 image."

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